I design a system which can control the direction of stalactite products and accelerate the crystallization process. It use the absorb network to absorb the waterdroplets on the roof of the cave and collect them in the container. The direction and amount of containers decide the direction and amount of stalactite products. Two controllers on the opposite side control the movement of two heating tools. The heating tool can heat the container to accelerate the stalactite growth and control the stalactite growth on the vertical level.
I used the working principle as vacuum to absorb the water, while the fan blade rotated; the air pressure in the container is belower than outside. So the waterdroplets can flow into the container from these pipes. The sensor can sense the water and stalactite, if the container is full, it will sent signals to controller. In the early days, the stalactite will growth on this fiber structure. The heating tool have a heater, and the control system 1 control the open and close of the heater's claw, the control system 2 control the movement of heater on the vertical level. The movements are all controlled by different gears rotated.
The absorb network
The controller
This picture mentioned the working process of this system. Once a container is full of water, it will send signals to controller and one heating tool will move to this container and heat it. While it is full of stalactite crystal, the heating tool will use the claw to pull it firmly downward and continue to form the stalactite.
This time-based image mentioned how the crystal growth. In the 5th year, the seed crystal growth on the fiber structure. In the 10th year, the stalactite will grow naturally on the area where the system cannot absorb water, and then connect with the stalactite growth on the fiber. And 15th year, 25th year or maybe more longer, the stalactite pillar will be formed.